Unbroken promises, Unspoken words, Unwritten memories...
There is this indescribable joy in leaving things unfinished...you know you can always revisit it...you knows ther is someone waiting for you....you know the rules...and you can come back and play the game again...better prepared this time...a smarter person this time... and more likely to have the happy ending we all desire!
Promises are made to be broken...heard this more than a decade back and keep hearing it again...almost comes as a matter of fact...a hard truth of life....
Unbroken promises...ah, too good to be true....mainly cos we seem to promise in a jiffy...or are just too lost to care enough...with a promise, you create a longing....a hope...and most importantly, a faith...which can go a long way in building real relationships...we can argue that there are so many layers to this...yet, by keeping things simple and honouring the promises we make, life could be a highway again.
Unspoken words....we've heard time and again, that we shouldn't leave anything unspoken...eliminate all the what if's and say what your heart wanted to tell...agreed, totally....but here we are talking about relationships that are beyond this....already reached the next level....where enough has been spoken and heard...and we don't have to worry about words not spoken...where the beauty of life comes through sharing....sharing the comfortable silences...which only they could interpret...and revel in that discovery.!
There is this indescribable joy in unwritten memories...leaving things without a trail...cos the trail exists...almost scene by scene , in your mind...in yourself and the ones whom you shared the joy with...and it remains in its purest form, cos noone else knows about it...will know about it....will talk about it....and cos noone should too.
it was something special....not necessarily perfect...yet, special...to the point that it almost becomes sacred.
these are after all, the memories that make a life.. worth living! :)