When we are young, we are attracted/bamboozled/misled by many things....sometimes, so much that we think it wld be the most cool thing that cld happen to us.....more often than not, they happen to be materialistic in nature....sometimes, we even crave for a certain sort of lifestyle.....or a certain kind of personality.....n we dream on............
With time...experience...and ofcrs, wisdom that comes along with it........they become more like an illusion....i.e. as soon as we are close to achieving them, they suddenly seem not so great......we understand that the pros and cons of the lifestyles/ppl we wanted to become....and realise that we have to give up a part of ourselves to be like that......n its simply not worth it.....we keep on changing our dreams.......n move higher on the "Dream Hierarchy" :) ....where we now look at self actualization dreams....
Well, this is what shld happen ideally.....but there are possible loopholes along the way...which most ppl ard succumb to...they are so enamoured by the dream they had when they were young that it becomes their reality...'n they embark on a no-stop approach towards it....they totally lose the sense of who they are...and end of succeding in gettin what they deisred....but if they have sacriificed everthing else on they way to achieving it.....it really wasn't worth it....cos yu've become a totally different person now....someone yu wld have hated 5 yrs ago.....
And here, we're not even thinkin of the dreams of the unprivilaged ones....the actual needy ones....not the ones who will soon be gettin 49.5% reservation...like each one of us, god gives them the gift to dream too....n thoughts arrive from all directions.....beautiful thoughts, lovely days....but he's intelligent enuf to just let them go....n life goes on...dreamin that someday he'll atleast start living....rather than merely existing.
i sometimes find it difficult to relate to the chain of thoughts...
on a para to para basis i understand what you're saying...
but put it all together...
and i cannot gt a SINGLE main idea...
WEll..man...i read your thoughts....kinda interesting and somewhere I too agree with it,though not in totality,but yes to a larger extent.
But one thing keep posting.....!
[Its too late to comment ;)
but I still find relevance....]
Good post, it happens mostly when you are towards achieving your dream just one foot before you are no more interested, boredom replaces excitement...thats hw has been my experience. but yeah thats how it should be to make you move on self realisation/actualization path..
But Last para is prbly a different chunk n needs a separate post i think....
huh..deep thought though but so true to life..i am sure we all can relate to that..I still remember how my aspirations changed and when i look back i find that how could i have even asked for such things.. and i am sure after 10 years what i am aspiring right now may look so stupid.. I am still not able to figure out how not to be one..so that whenever i look back i should feel some contentment and should be proud of what i did that time..:)..k now getting back to the serious deep thought..the thought that made u post it..its a vicious circle..looks so simple but more complex than a complex no..I was thinking of a small incident..they say if u want to remove beggary..educate the beggars rather than paying them and thinking that u have done good to them..but there use to one small kid who use to beg in sector 35..some good souls tried helping him by teaching him english and helping him get an admission..guess what changed...NOTHING.. he started begging in english.. i still remember " Brother please pay me 10 bucks" "u look so handsome brother"..." may god give u abs like john"...so the solution is not simple for anything otherwise we will not be having any such blogs..or any discussions like this..
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