e q u a l i t y ... how important is it ?!!
it gives us memorable moments... makes the tomorrows eagerly awaited...and also helps to sustain everything, in d long run....it also gives a sense of respect...and immense pride.
we can even extend it to symmetry...wherein one completes the other...and thus makes the relationship/rivalry click....and last..
its not to say...that we don't need the differences...we do...the quirkier, the better...ones that make us root for someone...ones that make us fall in love...ones that make us learn.....become a part of the other/better/ideal.... the ideals...there are so many...so many within us....but to each his own....n therein lies the essense of quirkyness....which makes each one of us unique.
but equality is paramount...in fact most imp....else everything will go/want to go haywire....and should too....to a place/time where we again find equals....and life shall start anew!
how easy it is...where does revenge step in...where all we look at...i wonder..
and how many times we leave it all to fate!
Life turns a full circle.
we can even extend it to symmetry...wherein one completes the other...and thus makes the relationship/rivalry click....and last..
its not to say...that we don't need the differences...we do...the quirkier, the better...ones that make us root for someone...ones that make us fall in love...ones that make us learn.....become a part of the other/better/ideal.... the ideals...there are so many...so many within us....but to each his own....n therein lies the essense of quirkyness....which makes each one of us unique.
but equality is paramount...in fact most imp....else everything will go/want to go haywire....and should too....to a place/time where we again find equals....and life shall start anew!
how easy it is...where does revenge step in...where all we look at...i wonder..
and how many times we leave it all to fate!
Life turns a full circle.
i lykd the last punchline...lyf trns a full circle
the wrld is too small
ol wt v do...giv n share cumz bck2us...in eithr forms...bt it dz
itz lil cliched bt yeah i lykd the thot....
difference is a must fr survival
bt equality is a need.......
it is sumthing v shud think seriously of...cuz v r humans...
"Life turns a full circle."
isn't it?
Equality is ideal, but difference is inevitable. Since time immemorial great minds have been trying to devise a way to shun all inequalities...then be it Marx, Martin Luther or Gandhi. Yet it stays a utopian concept no matter how fascinating it appears to be. It's the law of nature, that two people can't be equal...forget about a group, a community or the entire mankind. One dominates, another follows. One speaks another listens. Yet in all cases there is a scope of some compromise and adjustment from both ends, which when done turns mere existence into not an ideal but definitely a joyous living.
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