There are so many occasions when we (all) root for the underdog...
There are so many layers to it as we almost unconsiously fall for them.
Its really amazing to see the joy we get whenever the underdogs win...
its almost mystical, this feeling that connects across the man-made boundaries and races...feel its probably cos we are never so lucky in real life.. it goes way too predictably and maybe, boring, in the long run...
So, actually there is a part of us in the underdogs...trying to win against all odds...n every such victory makes us feel vindicated....cos in a way, it was our dream too....our "fairytale" ending.
Sports, has its own ways of giving us the most raw pleasures..
and perhaps, giving us a chance to learn from them as well...
case in point:
NY Giants (NFL) and Rajasthan Royals (IPL) and more famously,
Ivanisevic (finally, winning Wimbledon) & India (83' , T20 'n World series)