In this materialistic world of today....how difficult is it to find a friend..really?!!
i mean, a real friend...not just an aquaintance....or someone whom you'd call on to pass time...or have fun once in a while....or maybe even daily....there are many levels of aquaintances, u see...as the days go by...we have a new circle of friends...or rather "aquaintances" as frens is a much abused word...how easy is it to grow apart...with the older set.....
things change...and change, we have been taught, is the one constant in life....and its required to take our lives forward....days fly by....and things change even more.... :)
and we grow up...its even more difficult to get a real friend.....freindship...its almost as pure a relationship as love...just that the love we are talking about here, is devoid of you know what...
this probably makes it even more stronger cos you are so connected with someone emotionally...you know you can "depend" on them...and they will act/help without any vested interests...you can trust them with your worst nightmares.....yu can enjoy a beautiful sunset with them......chatter endlessly about unimaginable dreams....yu can see through them and vice versa...and they would even go to the lengths of landing themselves in trouble to see u out of it..and not regret it.. ever..
this is probably why we find that most of our good freinds were made in school....even more in junior school....cos then we saw the real "us"...without any pretensions...and hence it was easier to trust....and be trusted...and so, when we r with them there is a sense of belonging and no one-upmanship... now, there are walls between us which we have built so carefully....brick by brick...layer by layer.....they protect us....you know, life in a metro teaches you that....what, to grow cold, indifferent, selfish and insecure....how to lose yr innocence......
Technology is changing how we connect in a big way...we know way more ppl than any generation before us, yes..and.why so we care abt it soooo much...simple...yeah, cos networking always pays...reason enough?!!...i dare say, yes...cos it will help in loads of gains....all kinds....to each his own....we are popular....yes....just look at the 60 odd fans i have....the no. of calls, msgs, scraps, mails and wall entries i get on my b'day....i never knew so many ppl cared abt me...i feel honoured, man!!
Every other conversation starts with a "whats up"...the ways/style of saying which have been reinvented godzillian times....this sounds rational too, actually....we r so busy, caught up with things all the time....so many things must be up, yaar...sadly, we dont really care to share it with the other "friend"...and reply with a nm....which obviously means nothing much...sob sob....noone actually cares to know how are you doing...they just have to keep on with these formailities....networking, again...you see.......
how many meaningful relationship we are building....i dunno...what the hell is a meaningful relationsip anyway...you got to b practical!!....moreover, we are overworked, overstressed and underpaid(n will always continue to b so...)..and yeah, is there ever a thing like enough monies :) ......
so, dude....we are happy doing what we are....this is life we dreamt abt...we have everything figured out...7 digit salaries and stuff that will come with it...and we are on our way....
is it so, really !